Since the end of Jan 2015 MAF 2.1 is available - the biggest change: it leverages JDK8 and has a handfull of new features, which can be found here.
I started to get acquainted with MAF 2.1 and experinced the following changes:
My environment:
Windows7 - MAF 2.1 - JDEV 12.1.3 - requires JDK 8 (jdk1.8...)
The setting up is described in this document:
Oracle JDeveloper 12c (12.1.3) Tutorials - Setting Up Mobile Application FrameworkIn short:
1. Download latest JDEV 12.1.3
2. Load MAF 2.1 extension (Help -> check for updates -> extensions ->Mobile Application Framework)
3. Download JDK 1.8
4. Restart JDEV 12.1.3
Once you have done that, MAF 2.1 is only "triggered" but not "fully loaded" (you can see this in Help-> About-> Extensions-> sarch for "mobile" and scroll to the status column to the far right....
5. Now you have to Create a MAF application... and your are prompted to enter the JDK8 location (for windows like: c:\java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin\java.exe)
I experienced, that the steps in the documentation does not work:
Doc: Choose File->New->Application
New Application -> Within "General" -> "Mobile Application Framework Application" -> OK -> Name of Application step to follow...
Only then the MAF 2.1 is "fully loaded".
To create a taskflow (linkage between the pages of the app) the creation is different from ADF Mobile (and MAF 2.0?)
You'll have to create a new feature in "maf_feature.xml" like a page and then go to "content"-tab and create an item (like "my_taskflow) and in "type" switch to "taskflow".
Device Access:
"Device Access" (in "maf_application.xml") is now called "Plugins"
more to follow...